How to Travel Without a COVID Vaccine?

The travel volume in 2022 is significantly different from the summer of 2020. Many countries have relaxed Covid-related restrictions and lifted requirements such as PCR or antigen tests, masks on public transport and when walking, and quarantine. In most cases, these changes are based on the premise that the traveler must be fully vaccinated. However, more and more countries are also starting to accept unvaccinated tourists.… Read more

What Causes Birth Injuries?

In definition, a birth injury is the type of harm that occurs when the baby is to be delivered or during the actual process. The cause of such injuries can differ from deprivation of oxygen to trauma to medical negligence. And it goes without saying that these injuries will have an impact on the life of your baby moving forward. For more informative content on similar cases, visit the website at

And now in this article, we are discussing some of the common causes of birth injuries.… Read more